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2006-06-21 11:06:30

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 Site statistics
  • Number of entries in the database: 10621
  • Last entry added on: 2006-06-14 09:42:11
  • Number of connected users: 13
  • Application's version: 3.1
 Last update
This page was last updated on 2004-05-05

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 The API - A programmatic mean to access this database

TUCAA offers a mean to access its database by external programs, delivering raw, binary data instead of HTML pages. The API is implemented through the web services technology.

With the TUCAA's web service, software developers can interact with the ever-expanding acronyms database directly from their own computer programs. TUCAA uses the SOAP and WSDL standards so a developer can program in his or her favorite environment - such as Java, Perl, or Visual Studio .NET.

At this moment, only one function was developed: the exact search for an entry.

 The search web service

This service acts like the "Quick find" form found in TUCAA's left frame: it searchs for acronyms matching exactly the value specified. It does not perform partial matches or searches on other fields (like the extended search function in the web site does).

To query the web service, SOAP requests must be sent to the address http://ws.acronyms.ch/search. At this address, using your browser, you can find the service's WSDL you need to develop a client.

 A Java client sample

To get started, you can download a zip file containing a client sample; it was written in Java and developed with Sun's Java WebService Development Pack (JWSDP) version 1.3 (which you must also download).

In this archive you can find the source code, precompiled binaries and the supporting files to build, with Apache's Ant, and run the client.
Note: you must edit the files jwsdp.properties and eventually build.xml to suit your configuration.

Once built, you start the client via the run-client Ant task.

 Useful links