Through this form you can submit an acronym that isn't already present in the database. Note that the new acronym will be checked for correctness before being displayed. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory; you must fill them before submitting your request.
Acronym's data
Fields description
Acronym (max 255 characters): insert the acronym you are defining (for example, PC). This field is mandatory;
Definition (max 255 characters): insert the acronym's definition (in our example, Personal Computer). This field is mandatory;
Description (max 255 characters): You can insert a brief description. This field is optional;
field Manufacturer: if the acronym applies to a particular manufacturer, select one from this list;
field Context: if the acronym applies to a particular context, select one from this list;
In the Definition field use uppercase characters to match the acronym's letters, even if the acronym has lowercase characters;
the acronym will be checked for correctness before being displayed.