Acronyms are terms used to abbreviate a name composed by two or more words (in this application you can find acronyms composed by only one letter but they mostly are measurement untis or orders of magnitude's prefixes.) The names often refer to concepts, protocols, technologies, products, manufacturers and organizations. Acronyms are usually composed by the word's initials although you can find acronyms formed by more than one letter per word.
What I (hopefully) will find in this database?
You will find the meaning of many thousands computer-related acronyms. Beside the meaning you can also find a description and/or references to a manufacurer and a context.
What I won't find in this database?
Anything that is not a computer-related acronym. So don't search for terms such as "router" or "object-oriented programming" since this application isn't (yet) a computer-oriented glossary. Also, don't search for acronyms that have nothing to do with computers. Glossaries and more general acronyms dictionaries are listed in the Links to other sites page.
How often is the database updated?
This is a "live" application. Every time an acronyms is inserted into the database, it becomes immediatly visible (well, actually besides user-submitted acronyms, which are checked before gaining visibility.) This means that the database is updated every time we found a new acronym, and this can happen as often as many times a day or as seldom as once a week.