
The Ultimate Computer Acronyms Archive is equipped with a detailed help system, explaining all the operation you can perform depending on where you are. If you fall into troubles, please read the pages under Instructions from the left panel.
In this page you find an overview of the common operations.

Consult acronyms

Open the Acronyms group (clicking on the "+" symbol) to see the acronyms' categories. Clicking on a particular category, the corresponding acronyms are displayed.

Define a new acronym

Click on Define a new acronym. You will be presented a form; insert the data requested and click on the Define acronym button. The acronym will be checked for correctness and then displayed.

Search for an acronym

You can search for a particular acronym, as well as for a subset, clicking on Search for acronyms, filling the form you will be presented and clicking on the Search for acronyms button.