Application description


This application allows users to consult a database of computer-related acronyms through a simple web interface. It runs with little supervisor intervention (installation, maintenance, adding acronyms and verifying user-posted acronyms).

The Ultimate Computer Acronyms Archive uses Microsoft SQL Server as database, interfaced to the Web pages through ODBC. On the server, pages are generated dynamically using ActiveX server-side controls (ASP pages). On the client, either a Java applet (TreeView - also developed by us) or a JavaScript program shows the database's hierarchical structure with an user-friendly look and feel.
Another program built upon MS-Access allows the maintenance of the database in both structure and content forms, thus acting as an administration front-end. The PDF files you can download are created using this program. It also uses ODBC to exchange data with SQLServer.
The figure on the right shows the application's architecture.
Archive architecture

Main features

Platforms & requirements

At the database server we have:

The web server uses:

The client runs on:

Finally,The web browser must support: